Assisted Outpatient Treatment Webinar Series
The Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) webinar provides general information relating to Act 106 of 2018, which amended the Mental Health Procedures Act (MHPA) to add Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) as an option for involuntary treatment. This webinar provides specific information on: AOT plans, forms, the petition process, hearing requirements, and court responsibilities.
Learn More About the AOT Training on MyOMHSAS
Transgender Resources
The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) partnered with CHOP’s Gender & Sexuality Development Clinic to provide training to mental health providers to increase their comfort and competence when working with transgender and gender expansive clients. These webinars address specific supports in the area of medical care, psychiatry support, sexuality and relationship support, and school-based advocacy.

Crisis Certification – Coming Soon!
Persons who are hired to work in the Crisis System, within Pennsylvania must complete trainings; therefore, this certification course is designed for individuals to complete the required trainings and is a benefit for organizations, having a one stop shop for online training and informational resources. Any professional or community member who simply desires to gain awareness or knowledge on crisis related topics are welcome to view trainings.Learn More About the Crisis Certification on MyOMHSAS
Children and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP) & System of Care (SOC)
This training module has eight sections or lessons and is to review the development of CASSP and Systems of Care in PA. It is thought that this training is most applicable to persons who want an introduction to CASSP and SOC. This may include advocates, administrators, youth and family members, and staff who work with youth and families in various child-serving systems.

Integrating Suicide Prevention In Care Management
he University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU), developed this content in partnership with OMHSAS to provide practical strategies for integrating suicide prevention into care management and planning. The training content is divided into two modules, labeled Part I and Part II. Part I focuses on care management and Part II focuses on effective coordination of care along treatment pathways. Each module is designed to be self-paced, and learners can expect to spend approximately one hour engaged with each module.
Learn More About Integrating Suicide Prevention In Care Management on MyOMHSAS